If you are still finding it difficult to get 7 or above bands in IELTS writing then you really need to understand what the examiner is looking for in your essay and how you are going to be assessed by an IELTS examiner. Hope you will get a good idea of the FOUR ESSENTIALS of marking criteria in this article and figure out in a better way as to what and how you have to do in the writing module.
1. Task Response (25%)
- Understanding the task fully and responding to it well.
- Response must be clear in all 3 parts of essay (intro, body passage and conclusion)
- It shows that candidate has sufficiently addressed the task, understanding general topic as well as specific issue in the essay question
- Candidate’s position is clear throughout the essay
- All issues/ questions are addressed well and fully.
- Discussion/ views/ opinion all are well expressed and elaborated adequately, supported by relevant details, arguments and examples
- Main idea in each paragraph is relevant to the essay topic and supported by relevant details, examples, arguments
- Candidate is consistent and focused on the task, developing ideas with supporting details and substantial opinion
- Well-developed intro, comprehensive body passage, and summarized and concise conclusion
2 . Cohesion Or Coherence(25%)
- Candidate is able to write the ideas and supporting details with examples, opinions or arguments in a proper sequence
- No scanty, sparse and scattered presentation of information
- Well organized and presentation of information/ ideas/ examples in proper order and according to priority
- Uses paragraphing sufficiently and properly
- Each paragraph has one main idea, presented in a topic sentence/ key sentence. Good referencing
- In each paragraph’s topic or key sentence is followed by supporting details
- One paragraph contains only one main idea, and ideas are not mixed, jumbled, abrupt or overlapping
- Candidate has not done the task randomly at any stage but keeps consistency throughout the essay
- All aspects of cohesion and coherence of information/ writing composition are managed and maintained well
- Uses proper linking devices/ connectors effectively to link the ideas properly, and transits from one thought/ point/ opinion/ idea to the other successfully
- Paragraphing is sufficient and appropriate
- Has one central topic in one paragraph
3. Lexical Resource (25%)
- Use of wide range of vocabulary with a very natural and sophisticated control over language
- Use of synonyms
- Use of wide range of connectors
- No repetition of words/ phrases/ ideas/ sentences
- Instead uses a variety of sentence structures (compound, complex, compound-complex, passive, conditionals, causative etc.) to present similar point/ idea/ opinion
- Uses variety of phrases (noun/ adverb/ adjective/ prepositional/ appositive phrases)
- Doesn’t expand ideas/ discussion unnecessarily instead writes precisely and to the point information
- Doesn’t go off the task or isn’t carried away in flow of expression
- Skillfully uses structures and phrases
- Precision and flexibility is evident in use of vocabulary
- Use of collocation
4. Grammatical Range & Accuracy (25%)
- Accurate use of compound and complex structures
- Accurate use of tenses
- Correct use of punctuation marks (full stop, comma, semicolon, Colon, dash etc.)
- Correct use of letter case, for example, capital letter in the start of a sentence or in the beginning of a proper noun
- Avoid spelling mistakes
- Correct use of passive and conditional sentences
- Correct use of narration
How to Keep the Assessment Criteria in Mind Throughout our Writing?
A small advice in the end.
- Analyze the task statement and the question before starting to write.
- Plan your essay ( give it 5 to 7 min)
- Read the task carefully again and again to be focused only on what is demanded
- Read carefully what is mentioned in the task and address exactly that part.
- No extra discussion, details or information needed to be written
Also read the article “How to understand IELTS Marking Criteria in 8 steps” for a detailed comprehension of this topic so that you can very simply and easily score 7 or 8 bands in the IELTS writing section.
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